Constructing machines to be safe is an obligation. Procedures for safe maintenance, repairs, servicing and cleaning are discretionary. LoTo stands for Lock Out – Tag Out.
In essence, a machine remains potentially dangerous even when shut down. For instance, if a user starts the machine up while the machine is being maintained, a potentially life-threatening situation can arise. To prevent this, a machine can be rendered powerless using the LoTo procedure to ensure no further risk of movement. This ensures the safety of your maintenance and repair personnel at all times.
Does your machine have a lockable main electrical switch? Excellent! But what about pressure accumulators in hydraulic and pneumatic systems? What about kinetic energy? Are acids, alkalis or other hazardous substances present in your machine? Is there a risk of explosion or risk of chemical reactions such as if cleaning with the wrong tool?
To ensure all hazards are excluded and all necessary work on systems can be performed safely, LoTo procedures can be very useful. Furthermore, these procedures also provide much needed assistance in the form of training documentation for instructing new staff members.
Are you unfamiliar with LoTo procedures? We would be happy to assist you or to take care of creating LoTo procedures for you.
Our services regarding LoTo (Lock out – Tag out)
The topic LoTo is very extensive. Therefore we offer you versatile support in this area:
- Development of a LoTo procedure tailored to your needs
- Examination of your machines, plants and production processes
- Development of LoTo procedures related to plants
- Marking of the switch-off points
- Introduction of the method and procedures
- Training of your employees
Your advantages with CE-CON
Although there presently remains no statutory obligation to introduce the LoTo procedure, it is nevertheless beneficial in fulfilling the statutory requirements of the German Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV).
US standard 21 CFR 1910.147 of the OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) provides a pragmatic approach in this respect. We too follow this standard. From the development of an overall strategy to the training of your staff, we are on side to assist you. A 3-stage plan, comprising analysis, development and introduction of LoTo, has proven a best practice.
CE-CON addresses your requirements and is with you every step of the way.
Further information regarding the topic
Certified LoTo Expert
During the three-day training course, you will learn what basic procedures and authorities need to be taken care of. These are laid down in a so-called LoTo Policy, which then applies to the entire procedure.